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  • Match-Trade May releases 2023

    Marketing Team

    Match-Trade May releases

    In May, we’re introducing a variety of customer-focused updates to our Match-Trader platform, Forex CRM, and other solutions for Forex Brokers. These updates range from analytics per instrument and AI-powered news translation to accurate lead import and a specialized Money Manager Room. Let’s delve into the details and see how these improvements can significantly benefit your brokerage business.

    Analytics tab per instrument in the Match-Trader Platform

    We added a new tab called “Market” in Symbol Info, providing traders with real-time access to detailed analytics for each instrument. In this tab, traders can check the daily minimum and maximum for the instrument and view a dynamic indicator showing its current position. In addition, traders can easily access all up-to-date news for every instrument. This means investors can quickly check how the instrument performs today and what can be expected. This functionality enables them to conduct a more in-depth and quick analysis before opening a position, significantly improving the quality of their investment decisions.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    Brokers can offer their traders a convenient and powerful analysis tool, enhancing client satisfaction. Adding the analytics tab demonstrates the Broker’s attention to traders’ needs and interests, enhances the platform’s functionality, and contributes to more successful trading. This, in turn, leads to increased customer loyalty and attracts new traders, ultimately boosting the Broker’s profitability.

    Push Notifications in the Match-Trader IOS app

    We continue to implement new features into our Match-Trader platform to meet the needs of our customers. We’ve added a push notifications function to our iOS app. Traders can receive notifications tailored to their needs, whether about triggering a stop-out, margin call, take-profit / stop-loss, news specific to each instrument, and Broker custom push notifications. 

    Benefits for Brokers:

    This functionality significantly boosts user engagement, delivering real-time updates on market events and trading opportunities straight to iOS devices. More importantly, it allows Brokers to tailor their services to the vast iOS user base, widening their reach and making their offerings more appealing. 

    Market News and the Economic Calendar with AI translation to match the platform’s language

    Traders will have instant access to Market News and Economic Calendar in the language based on their preference set on the Match-Trader platform. This AI-powered feature allows Brokers to automatically translate essential market information for non-English-speaking users. On our demo platform, we present this functionality using the Vietnamese language as an example. The following languages are supported in this update: Hindi, Russian, Turkish, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, Vietnamese and Thai.

    Benefits for Brokers: 

    This functionality simplifies the market analysis for non-English-speaking traders by providing them immediate access to economic news in their preferred language. It expands Brokers’ potential client base, attracting traders of various backgrounds.

    Contract Rollover Date in the Symbol Info

    From now on, the Symbol Info will display the next contract rollover date. Traders using the Match-Trader platform will be able to monitor rollover dates to avoid situations where their positions are automatically closed or transferred to a new contract without their knowledge.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    Providing contract rollover dates can help Brokers build a reputation as a reliable intermediary. Traders appreciate transparent information and are willing to collaborate with Brokers who offer complete information regarding trading instruments.

    Swap Type information available in the Symbol Info

    We’ve taken another step forward to ensure the best trading experience on the Match-Trader platform. Recognizing the importance of financial transparency for traders, we’ve added “Swap points” information to the Symbol Info. Now, traders can easily check if the Swap is set in pips or percentages, enabling them to accurately calculate potential costs before opening a position.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    Our latest update significantly enhances the platform’s transparency, enabling traders to fully comprehend the costs of openning positions. This functionality fosters greater trust towards Brokers and simplifies the decision-making process in investment.

    Automation of manual payment methods in different FIAT currencies

    We added the ‘Supported FIAT currency’ field in the Payment Gateway configuration. This update allows Brokers to select the currencies they wish to support for chosen payment methods. Whether using the Match-Trader platform or Client Office, traders can specify their desired currency for deposit. Using the current exchange rates, our system automatically converts the prospective deposit sum into US dollars. This functionality supports various payment methods – from bank transfers and online payments to internal transfers, redirected payments, and customized bank transfers. 

    Benefits for Brokers:

    The new functionality streamlines the deposit process and provides numerous advantages for Brokers. Firstly, it automates manual methods of payments in various FIAT currencies, eliminating errors associated with manual conversions. Secondly, the faster and more efficient deposit process can improve the client’s trading experience. Lastly, it accommodates a broad range of different currencies, allowing Brokers to serve a more diverse clientele.

    Custom Bank Transfer in the Match-Trader and the Client Office

    We’ve added a new payment method – Custom Bank Transfer to our Match-Trader platform and Client Office CRM. This option allows modifying the number and content of fields for the Bank Transfer method.

    Benefits for Brokers: 

    This flexibility allows for better management of payment information, leading to smoother transactions and improved compliance.

    Money Manager Room in the Client Office

    We introduced a new tab called the Money Manager Room within the Copy Trading section of the Client Office. The Money Manager Room is a dedicated space that provides Money Managers with in-depth analytics of their accounts. In this tab, they can monitor their number of subscribers, the total amount of investments, and the sum of collected fees.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    This feature offers Money Managers a comprehensive tool to better analyze and manage their operations, potentially increasing their profits and subscriber base. This enhanced transparency and control can significantly benefit Brokers, drawing both experienced Money Managers and novice investors to their platform.

    Enhancing User Experience in the Client Office

    In May, we added the ability to update Bank Details for verified users, improving the overall User Experience. A trader can enter new data in the Client Office and request Broker approval.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    The streamlined process reduces the need for additional communication, simplifies the workflow and increases user satisfaction. Moreover, Keeping Bank Details up to date is crucial for compliance and risk management purposes. Allowing traders to update this information ensures Brokers can maintain accurate records and meet regulatory requirements.

    Monthly Subscription Fee in our Copy Trading app

    In May, we also worked on improving the functionality of our Social Trading solution. We added the ability to set a monthly subscription fee that a trader should pay to follow a specific Money Manager. The fee size will be displayed in the subscription window on the Match-Trader platform and the Client Office. The Money Manager can charge a subscription fee, an incentive fee, or both options simultaneously.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    This option can help Brokers to attract experienced Money Managers to their platform, offering them an additional consistent way to earn income. The opportunity to charge different types of fees provides flexibility to Money Managers. They can choose the fee structure that aligns with their preferred business model and financial goals.

    Streamlined Lead Importing in the Forex CRM

    In May, we continued improving the Data Management in our Forex CRM. This time, our efforts focused on enhancing the lead import function. The CRM system immediately alerts users if a leads or customers data file omits the first header row. Previously users encountered a generic “internal error” message, requiring manually diagnosing the issue. Now, the message is more precise, immediately assisting in identifying what needs to be corrected in the file. Thanks to this, the lead import process has become significantly more efficient.

    Benefits for Brokers: 

    This improvement allows Brokers to save time and increases their work efficiency. It provides precise error messages, helping to effectively identify errors in the file and greatly facilitating the lead import process.

    A New Approach to Calculating IB Commissions

    We’ve made changes to our IB commission system. Now, if a trader closes a position while their account only has credit and no positive balance, no commission will be applied. However, the commission will be appropriately charged if such a user closes his position at a profit.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    We guarantee that the IB commission is based on the actual turnover of the traders. This update contributes to a fairer and more transparent commission system and reduces financial risks for brokerage businesses.

    Exporting IB Report as a CSV File

    In May, we expanded the capabilities of our Forex CRM to simplify Data Management. We’ve added a new export button on the “Reports/IB Reports” tab, enabling users to create a file containing all visible columns in the table. 

    Benefits for Brokers:

    The new function will allow Brokers to export and analyze IB Reports easily. This helps them conduct a detailed analysis of their IB’s activities, which is crucial for optimizing business processes.

    Streamlined Access to Trade Reports within our CRM

    In May, we added a new “Trade Reports” button in our Forex CRM providing Brokers direct access to Pentaho reports. These reports give Brokers insight into client transactions on the A-book, the profits from those positions, and simulations of potential profits if B-book client positions were on the A-book. Previously, trade reports could only be accessed by entering a direct link.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    This enhancement ensures quicker and more intuitive access to trade reports directly from our CRM. These reports enable Brokers to understand their client behaviours, fostering improved risk management.

    Improving the import functionality in our Match-Trader Manager

    In May, we also enhanced the Data Management in our Match-Trader Manager app. Now, Brokers can assign Stop-Loss and Take-Profit for each position during the open position import process.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    This new function is another crucial step forward for Brokers making a transition to the Match-Trader from other platforms. It provides a smooth and precise migration of all open positions, eliminating the necessity for manual allocation of Stop Loss and Take Profit. This improvement reduces potential errors and inconveniences in traders’ positions, elevating the overall experience for Brokers and traders.

    Filtering Orders and Active Orders in the Match-Trader Manager

    In our ongoing mission to optimize the User Experience of our tools, we’ve introduced updates to the Match-Trader Manager app. Now, within both the “Orders” and “Active Orders” sections, users can filter orders by symbol name and order ID.

    Benefits for Brokers:

    These improvements offer a more streamlined workflow, enabling Brokers to identify orders quickly. This targeted search capability saves time, boosts efficiency, and reduces the chance of errors.

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