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    • Match-Trade January releases 2023

      Marketing Team

      Match-Trade January releases

      We’ve had a busy start to the new year, working on improving our solutions and introducing essential changes. We have already managed to work on our trading platform Match-Trader, Forex CRM, Client Office for Traders, and Match-Trader Manager. Below you will find a short description of each change and how it will support your brokerage.

      Improved data management in our Forex CRM

      To significantly improve data management in our Forex CRM, we introduced changes to how data is imported into the system. The import feature now has queue functionality, which streamlines the process of adding records. It is especially useful when importing big amounts of data. On the bottom is information about the estimated time left until the importing is complete.

      What’s more, the export feature has two new fields: Last contact and Branch.

      Benefits for Brokers:

      This is a significant improvement affecting the efficiency of the entire importing process. It enables the import of multiple accounts without the risk of losing any of them. Thanks to the additional status information, the Broker can assess how quickly the data will be added and when its team will be able to work with new accounts.

      Making crypto deposits in the Match-Trader platform and Client Office CRM more straightforward

      We also introduced improvements to both the Match-Trader platform and Client Office CRM. The changes concern making crypto deposits.

      1. The name of the payment gateway that the trader is using is now in the header. It replaced information about the trading account to which the deposit is made. From now on, this information is below.
      2. The name of the token to be sent is now bolded.
      3. The conversion information is now at the bottom of the window.
      4. After copying the address, the status information – “Copied” appears in place of the address, which disappears after a while.

      Benefits for Brokers

      Improving the user experience makes both applications better equipped to meet the needs of novice users. Increased readability and minimising the risk of sending the wrong tokens help make deposits quickly and hassle-free, which boosts Broker’s turnover.

      A new way of displaying the redirect payment method in Match-Trader and Client Office

      We updated the redirect payment method principle. The Deposit button redirects to the subsequent view, similar to the online payment method. This view includes Payment Info (transmitted from CRM) and the URL to be redirected. A “Pay now” button redirects users to the specified URL.

      If you want to learn more about the Match-Trader platform, watch the presentation that our Head of Sales, Michael Nichols, gave at the iFX Expo International in Cyprus.

      Enhanced team management functionality

      To allow Brokers to manage their teams effortlessly, we are constantly working on improving the Roles Management section of our Forex Broker CRM. That’s why it is now possible to control the tasks concerning leads and clients separately. 

      Benefits for Brokers

      Assigning employees with specific responsibilities allows having a precise distribution of tasks. Brokers can easily assign tasks to team members best suited to take care of chosen groups of clients or leads, which will lead to higher conversion rates or customer satisfaction.

      Integrating Paytiko and Zeny

      In January, we integrated two new payment management systems, Paytiko and Zeny.

      Paytiko is a payment provider that incorporates many different payment methods. As a result of our cooperation, Brokers will have many new payment options at their disposal.

      Zeny is a payment provider serving the Philippine market.

      Rules scheduler in the Bridge Manager

      We have added the ability to change parameters in Broker Symbols in Bridge Manager for specific periods of the week. Another tab with columns appeared in Risk Management. It contains fields like Broker Name, Time, Instrument, Component (Markup, Ask Markup, Min Spread, Max1 Spread, B-Book Execution Delay), Adjustment and an information column about the status of rule activation.

      Benefits for Brokers:

      The changes allow Brokers to personalise settings at different times of the week and better manage the risks during given market events.

      Units in hedge monitor in the Bridge Manager

      In the Bridge Manager hedge monitor tab, there is the ability to display open positions in the new “Units” mode. i.e. individual contract units. This is an alternative to displaying exposures in lots. The Broker can choose the mode that is more suitable for him.

      Benefits for Brokers

      Brokers can freely select the exposure display mode that best suits their current needs. They have a better look at exposures on contracts with different contract sizes, such as indices or commodities.

      Slippage column in Orders tab of Match-Trader Manager

      In the Orders tab, the “Slippage” column has been added, the values of which are the result of the operation: Exec Price from order filled deducted by the Exec Price from order added. By default, this column is disabled.

      Benefits for Brokers

      The column gives Brokers the ability to check the deviation of the price at which the order was finally confirmed from the price at the time of the request. It is helpful for the Broker, especially in times of high volatility on the market when clients report comments on the prices at which their orders were concluded.

      Making Match-Trader Manager more user-friendly

      In January, we introduced a few changes to the Match-Trader Manager. Our goal was to improve the usability and user experience of the solution.

      The Closed Trades tab has a new button, “Delete All”. It allows to delete all filtered positions with one click. There are also new filtering rules analogous to the ones in the Positions tab. That means the users can filter data by instrument and transaction side.

      The last change was adding the ability to edit comments in the deposits and withdrawals views.

    • Match-Trade December releases

      Marketing Team

      Match-Trade December releases

      In December, we introduced changes to our Match-Trader platform, CRM for Forex Brokers and Match-Trader Manager. Custom push notifications in Match-Trader and more API functionality are some of the upgrades. See the full list of releases below, together with a brief explanation of each.

      Custom push notifications in the Match-Trader platform

      In December, we added the ability to send custom push notifications from the CRM to the selected trader(s) using the Match-Trader platform.

      Brokers can send notifications from CRM. They can do it in the detailed view of the account and as a bulk operation.

      Benefits for Brokers:

      Brokers will be able to communicate with their clients even more efficiently. They can send relevant information on request, e.g. if a customer needs to fund their account. The ability to run different campaigns will grow engagement and conversion on the platform.

      New bulk operations in the Clients and Leads tabs

      We added new bulk operations to further automate managing Clients and Leads in our CRM.

      In the Clients tab:

      • Change of lead status
      • Change of verification status
      • Change of branch

      In the Leads tab:

      • Converting leads to customers (convert to deposited client functionality)
      • Change of branch

      Benefits for Brokers: 

      The broker and his employees will be able to perform bulk operations on activities that, until now, they had to do per client. That will save them a lot of time, which will be better spent taking care of other crucial tasks.

      Better ways of managing Brokers’ teams

      The option to convert a lead to a customer with a deposit (in the account details view and in bulk operations) is now available as a resource in the role configuration in Configuration > Roles Management. For the button to be available for a given role, it is also necessary to enable resource Account access.

      Roles with access to this resource enabled by default are BRANCH_ADMIN, ADMIN, Conversion Agent, and Conversion Team Leader.

      Additionally, the Broker Analytics tab has been added as a resource in Roles Management. A given CRM user sees analytics only for accounts to which he has access.

      Benefits for Brokers: 

      New resources result in even more freedom to personalise roles with access to CRM. The Broker can manage its employees’ access and create new roles on an even more precise level.

      Improving the Broker Analytics tab in the CRM

      The value calculation formula has been changed in the Broker Analytics tab in the Net Deposits table. The difference between deposits and withdrawals is displayed there. Only DONE transactions are considered, based on the “Net Amount”. The new formula is as follows: Net Deposits = Net Deposit Amount – Net Withdrawal Amount.

      Benefits for Brokers: 

      The change will result in increased readability of the Net Deposits table. Brokers will have a more detailed view of the amount of money deposited by their clients, which will help them make better decisions.

      More API functionality in the CRM

      We have extended the available APIs to better match them to the needs of external applications and affiliate marketing platforms that integrate with MTR. The introduced changes include:

      • Adding an endpoint for signing all trading accounts (uuid, login/id, email)
      • Adding an endpoint to change the trading account offer
      • Adding an endpoint to download offers (get an offer)
      • Adding sorting for the GET /api/partner/{partner id}/leads/view method, thanks to which it is possible to search for accounts sorted by become_active_client_time and updated
      • Adding the ability to download the online status parameter via the API for each client
      • Better endpoint descriptions in Swagger.

      In addition, we have added a new parameter, adminUuid, which is permanently assigned to accounts and leads created by the API. Thanks to this, the creator of a given account/lead will always have access to it. 

      The Broker can use the branch functionality more freely without the risk that the leads generation platform will not be able to check the status of the leads sent.

      Benefits for Brokers: 

      Greater freedom with using the API integrations.

      9Pay deposits available in the Match-Trader platform and Client Office

      In December releases, we also integrated new deposits into our Match-Trader platform, Forex CRM software, and Client Office. The change allows for greater flexibility when choosing a payment method.

      9PAY is a supplier operating in the Vietnamese and international markets. It supports many local banks.

      Choosing the language of the platform upon entering Match-Trader

      From now on, traders using Match-Trader can change the language on the login screen of the trading platform. This option is also available when creating an account.

      Changing the language is an additional option, as usually, the platform is displayed in the language set in the client’s browser (if the translation is available).

      Benefits for Brokers: 

      Clients can view the registration form in their own language, which makes for a better user experience. The logging-in process becomes much more straightforward, resulting in increased engagement on the platform.

      Closing Multiple Positions at Selected Price in the MTR Manager

      In Match-Trader Manager, a “Close All At Desired Price” button has been added in the Positions tab. This option allows Broker’s team to close all positions at the selected price. It is only possible to close a position within one symbol.

      Benefits for Brokers: 

      Using the newly created button will allow Brokers to save a lot of time they usually would spend on closing selected positions by hand. Process automation is yet another chance to improve the management of the entire trading environment.

      Filtering by instrument and transaction side in the Match-Trader Manager

      We added two new fields for filtering the Positions tab. These are

      • Symbols (“Instruments”) – in this case, Brokers can additionally select the “Exact Match” checkbox, which allows them to filter by exact match to the value provided in the search field;
      • Side of the transaction (“Side”) where they can filter by the buy, sell or both.

      If the results are filtered using any of the above filters, the Close All and Close All At Desired Price actions close only the positions in this list, not all open positions.

      Benefits for Brokers: 

      Improved filtering allows Brokers’ teams to extract specific information they currently need. That way, they can save a lot of time they would usually spend looking for specific data or exporting it manually. Closing all of the filtered positions is extremely helpful during rollovers or any situation when a Broker wants to close positions of specific instruments.

      Execution time column in the Match-Trader Manager

      In Match-Trader Manager, in the Orders tab, there is a new column, “Exec Time”. It displays the time in milliseconds that elapsed from the moment of sending the request to close the position to its closing (formula: Update Time – Open Time). In the summary of this column, at the bottom of the table is the average time for all orders.

      Benefits for Brokers:

      The additional column means more information for Brokers to use while managing orders. This allows Brokers to check if there are any delays when placing orders and check if the set delay/slippage is applied correctly.

      Easier accounts management in the Match-Trader Manager

      In Match-Trader Manager, we also added new bulk operations, including

      • Blocking and unblocking accounts;
      • Moving selected accounts to another group.

      Benefits for Brokers:

      The Broker and his employees will be able to perform bulk operations on activities that, until now, they had to do per client. That will save them a lot of time, which will be better spent taking care of other crucial tasks.

      New routing rules in the Match-Trader Administrator

      For external and internal routing, we added an option to set what percentages of the client’s position volume will be opened at a liquidity provider. The coverage ratio is expressed in percentages. By default, it assumes a value of 100%. That means the volume of positions at a liquidity provider is the same as the volume of positions of the client whose group is set in the routing rule.

    • Match-Trade November releases

      Marketing Team

      Match-Trade November releases

      In November, we introduced changes to our trading platform, Match-Trader, Forex CRM software, and Client Office for Traders, among others. Some of the changes include giving Brokers the ability to better manage different brands they offer clients, improving lead base management, and adding more languages into Match-Trader.

      Enhanced branding opportunities in the Match-Trader trading platform and the Forex CRM software

      In November, we enhanced the branding possibilities in our Match-Trader trading platform, Forex CRM software, and Client Office for Traders. 

      Now, if a brokerage has more than one brand (e.g. it offers Match-Trader for some clients and MT5 for others), it will be even better able to manage and distribute them from the CRM level. From now on, branches connect to domains (one domain can be assigned to one branch). This means that it is possible to distinguish registration forms depending on the domain/branch. The Broker team can also specify which registration fields are visible for which branch and activate SumSub per branch.

      More control over managing swaps

      We added two new parameters to the group edition in the Match-Trader Administrator. They are:

      Swap frequency, which defines how often swaps will be charged. By default, this value will be 0 (swaps charged daily). For the value of 1, it will be charged every other day, etc.

      Thanks to this functionality, it is also possible to charge swaps more than once a day, e.g. -3 means that the swap will be charged three times a day – the first time at the time set in “Swap calculation time”, then after 8 and 16 hours.

      Swap-free days, which determine how many days after opening the position, swaps are not charged. As an example, if the parameter is set to 7, it means that swaps will be charged for the first time eight days after the opening of the transaction.

      Introducing these parameters allows Broker to even better control their offer. They can create campaigns to encourage clients to trade specific instruments or to hold positions longer, among others. That means the ability to match their actions to current market conditions or their strategy.

      Adding Islamic Swap as a deposit or a withdrawal in Match-Trader Administrator

      In November, we also introduced changes to the Match-Trader Administrator. Now, there is an option to charge Islamic Swaps. In Match-Trader, they will be recorded as a deposit or a withdrawal, and the possibility of an editing swap will be disabled. No swap ledger or position swap will be added to the opened position.

      Greater control over the instruments in the Broker’s offer

      In the Match-Trader Administrator, we also added the close-only mode, which allows only closing positions on selected symbols. It only works for retail accounts.

      It gives Brokers greater control over all the instruments in their offer. If they choose to disable chosen symbols, traders will not be able to open new positions using them, but they still will be able to close the positions opened earlier.

      MTR Pro for chosen branches in Broker’s offer

      We added a new “MTR Pro” checkbox in the Offers tab in our Forex CRM software. Ticking it will enable showing the market depth of the instrument and orders tab to check precisely the opening and closing orders parameters for each position or trade.

      Another upgrade of lead management in the Forex CRM software

      Our team is working hard to better the Match-Trade Forex CRM. In November, we added a new lead status, “Potential”, and a new sorting option to the entire lead base.

      The new sorting option allows arranging lead statuses in order based on the stages the leads currently hold. Now they are divided according to the logical order of the stage, i.e. from the time they are added into the system until the maintenance stage.

      New deposits in the Match-Trader and Client Office CRM

      In November releases, we integrated a new deposit into our Match-Trader platform, Forex CRM software, and Client Office. The change allows for greater flexibility when choosing a payment method.

      TAP is a provider that integrates many different payment methods and supporting cards, e.g. VISA or Mastercard.

      IB commission setup per instrument in the Forex CRM software

      We enabled the calculation of the IB commission for selected instruments. In our Forex CRM software, we added the “Set individual instruments” checkbox. After checking it, a new section appears where Broker’s team can add a commission level with a field to enter instruments.

      Setting up the IB commission per instrument allows Brokers to encourage traders to trade on strategically chosen instruments. That, in turn, enables them to better manage the traffic.

      Improved Broker Analytics in the CRM

      In our Forex CRM software, in the Broker Analytics tab, the principle of calculating Net deposits has changed. Previously, it was the sum of all deposits with DONE status. After the change, it will be the difference between all net deposits and net withdrawals for requests with DONE status.

      Improved symbols management in the Match-Trader

      In the new mobile version of Match-Trader, after holding a symbol from the Favorites list for a long time, a menu of actions available for this symbol appears. Actions include:

      – Opening the chart

      – Opening the symbol information view

      – Enabling or disabling notifications

      – Removal from the favourites list

      Thanks to that change, traders have one intuitive space to manage the instruments. They don’t need to switch between different views to perform certain actions.

      New languages added to the Match-Trader platform

      We added Greek, Hungarian, Romanian and Dutch languages to the Match-Trader trading platform and Client Office for traders.

    • Tools for Brokers acquires Match-Trader server licence to expand its White Label platforms offer

      Marketing Team

      Tools for Brokers acquires Match-Trader server licence to expand its White Label platforms offer

      Tools for Brokers, a leading technology provider for retail brokers and hedge funds, expanded its offer of White Label platforms with the Match-Trader (MTR), an award-winning trading platform developed by Match-Trade Technologies. 

      Tools for Brokers is an award-winning technology provider with over a decade of experience developing its product ecosystem centred around the Trade Processor liquidity bridge. The company delivers innovative turnkey trading solutions to hundreds of brokerages. Seeing the growing interest among brokers in the diversification of platforms offered to traders, the provider actively expands its offer by purchasing a Match-Trader server from a renowned platform provider Match-Trade Technologies. Tools for Brokers will provide MTR White Labels expanded with its proprietary solutions. 

      High performance, flexibility and superb trading experience keep the platform’s popularity growing. Match-Trader was created using cutting-edge Progressive Web App technology, wherefore it adapts to screen resolution, making the platform an omnichannel trading app. This solution lets traders quickly swap between devices as all their settings are synchronised in real-time. 

      The platform was designed with WL Brokers in mind offering features like individual sets of symbols without suffixes, markups included on the chart and time on the platform based on the Broker’s chosen timezone. Match-Trader White Label can be easily integrated with Brokers’ current setup and customised to meet their specific needs. The offer includes the platform for PC/Mac, iOS, Android and Web, as well as Trade Processor, Data Feed, bridge connection, and 24/7 TFB support.

      Commenting on the cooperation, Match-Trade Technologies’ CEO, Michał Karczewski, said:

      We are currently seeing a lot of interest in alternative solutions to legacy platforms like MT4/5, and Match-Trader is one of them. I believe this partnership with TFB will bring new quality to the market of White Label solutions for brokers. We are proud to have a global technology provider like Tools for Brokers trusting our technology and offering our platform to their clients.”

      Alexey Kutsenko, the CEO of Tools for Brokers, added:

      We always try to be one step ahead of the market trends and offer the most outstanding solutions to target the specific needs of our clients. Multiplatform support was an upcoming trend for a while now, with many clients looking for additional platforms to gain more flexibility with their offering. The addition of the Match-Trader server to our portfolio will strengthen our ecosystem and help continue bringing excellent service to our clients.

    • Match-Trade October releases 2022

      Marketing Team

      Match-Trade October releases

      In the October releases, we made many changes to the Forex CRM with Client Office and the Bridge Manager. Both of these solutions, together with our white label trading platform Match-Trader, are just what a startup Broker needs to begin its operations.

      Interacting with traders in real time & finding the most active users

      We added the current statuses of clients to the Clients and Leads tabs in the CRM. Active clients are marked with a green circle and non-logged-in ones with a red circle.

      Importantly, we also added the last online time sorting. Based on the data, Brokers can manage the client and lead base, as they can check when their clients are the most active. That allows them to make informed decisions, including choosing the schedule for the support teams.

      It can be downloaded in CSV format.

      The same changes were introduced to the Clients / Leads tabs.

      Streamlined KYC procedure

      Before traders are able to use the white label trading platform Match-Trader, they first need to register and verify their data using the KYC software we provide. In the Profiles tab in the Client Office, traders can preview the uploaded KYC file and decide if they want to send or cancel it. If the file is a PDF, users can open it in a new browser tab.

      Using the preview, traders can easily assess if the file is ready for uploading or if it needs some last-minute changes. What seems to be a slight modification can drastically improve the entire KYC process. From now on, traders will have a bigger chance of uploading the file that meets all the requirements right the first time.

      Simplifying the user path

      Depending on the settings (“Redirect” option), after creating the account, the user is redirected to the deposit view or to the KYC / Profile section. If the trading account has not been properly created, the user will be redirected to the general view.

      It greatly supports the Broker’s team. The entire onboarding process gets much easier and more user-friendly for Brokers and their clients.

      Traders can automatically be redirected to the deposit view and start trading. The Broker’s team spends less time instructing them on how to use the app and can proceed to talk with other clients.

      Enhanced data analysis in the CRM

      We added the possibility to download the System and Audit logs in CSV format. Consequently, Brokers can gather all the information they need to analyse and make educated decisions.

      Streamlined management of Trading Accounts in the Forex CRM

      For the roles: Admin, Branch Admin, and other roles with access to CRM, the Trading Accounts tab appeared. All the trading accounts are visible there. Users with the Admin and Branch Admin roles see this tab by default. For other roles, access to this tab can be enabled via Configuration / Roles Management.

      Now, Brokers have a chance to see and manage all the information in one place. Brokers can make a deposit or withdrawal straight to multiple trading accounts from one place. This section makes it very easy to check the current number of trading accounts.

      Filtering users based on their location or market

      In the Actions / Trading Accounts tab, the “Branch” column has been added. It shows the branch in which the trading account is located.

      The Branch is a group of clients gathered based on different criteria. The ability to filter the clients belonging to certain locations or markets allows Brokers to create directed offers or manage trading accounts in a specific way.

      Easy management of the Broker’s team activities

      We added a new table “CRM users”, which contains the accounts with access to CRM (Admin, Branch Admin, flexible roles). It is available in the Configuration / Branches and Users tab.

      Access to the data displayed in this table allows Brokers to manage their team’s activities from one place. Consequently, the entire process becomes much easier and more efficient.

      Time settings based on the Brokers’ needs

      We changed the time in the Forex CRM to GMT+00. Historical (pre-update) records remained unaffected. Because of this, the time zone matches the entire Broker’s setup – no matter its location.

      Increasing the level of traders’ security

      Wanting to even better secure the system, our developers made it possible to reset the two-factor authentication. It will be extremely important in case of a lost phone or other trouble that can occur.

      Additionally, it is much easier to quickly reset the authentication and start using the Client Office on a new device.

      Unified templates used to manage client and lead base in the CRM

      We unified the template used for uploading leads and clients into the CRM. Consequently, Brokers no longer need to decide which template to use, as both are exactly the same. All leads imported to the Forex CRM already have a user account. It results in the user’s possibility to log in to the Client Office or Match-Trader just by clicking “Forgot password” or CRM user setting it for them.

      The “Import as deposited client” button appeared in the client and lead import mode. By selecting it, the account being added will appear in the Clients tab. It is selected by default when importing clients and unchecked when importing leads.

      The “Create as deposited client” option appeared in additional options in the Client tab. If an account is created via the Leads tab, it is unchecked.

      Also, the “Convert to deposited Client” button has been added in the lead detail view, which converts the lead into a client (the time of becoming a client is the time the CRM user clicks the button).

      In sum, all the introduced changes make managing the client and lead base much quicker. Usually, if Brokers want to import leads as clients, they need to manually add the deposit made by chosen clients. In our Forex CRM, they can save a lot of time by easily importing data in a chosen mode and managing the lead/client statuses that way.

      Personalised mailing templates

      In the e-mail templates set for operations and mass mailing, we added two new variables. These are

      • ACCMGR_NAME – the name of the Account Manager assigned to the customer or lead to whom the e-mail is sent;
      • ACCMGR_SURNAME – the surname of the Account Manager assigned to the customer or lead to whom the e-mail is sent.

      Mailing being one of the particularly important ways of communication with traders, needs to be maximally personalised. For this reason, adding the chosen Account Manager (that the client or lead is already familiar with) makes recipients more likely to open and respond to the messages from a Broker.

      Statistics in the Bridge Manager

      We expanded the scope of the displayed information by adding new charts in the Statistics tab. Consequently, the graphs with a summary of the revenue on the A-Book, volume trends, client allocation trends, and trade trends, among others, will be displayed based on the selected time range. There is also a pie chart showing the open positions sorted per symbol. 

      Next to the charts, there are two tables with statistics for data per symbol. Brokers can use them to check exactly what their profit is and, based on that, decide to adjust the commissions or markups accordingly.

      The Broker’s team has an even greater opportunity to customise the information that is displayed (including choosing between percentages and nominal values) and use it to increase profits.

      Expanded e-mail notifications in the Bridge Manager

      We have added the possibility of setting up automatic e-mails sent after exceeding a certain limit for exposure and profit or loss in USD and notifications sent in case of restarting and/or losing the bridge connection. Brokers have full control over the entire process. They can set the limit on their own by configuring notifications in the Risk Management tab.

    • Match-Trade September releases 2022

      Marketing Team

      Match-Trade September releases

      Our latest release brought changes to our trading platform Match-Trader, the Forex CRM and Client Office for Traders, and our processing technology Match2Pay. During the third quarter, we were focused on improving our products to better match the needs of our ever-growing client base. Some of the changes include streamlining the onboarding process and increasing the level of security.

      Increased level of security with 2FA in Client Office CRM

      In September releases, we added support for 2FA based on the Google Authenticator solution to our Client Office. By default, this feature is disabled. 

      There is a new “Security” tab, which replaces the previous “Change user password”. From there, Brokers can go to the password change view or configure 2FA. Each user will be able to select actions that require entering a one-time code (OTP). These actions include:

      • Logging in;
      • Editing a profile;
      • Payouts;
      • Password change;
      • Disabling 2FA.

      Benefits for Brokers

      Support of 2FA means a greater level of data and user security. The user is immune to phishing attacks and is even better equipped to monitor everything that is happening on his account. It is virtually impossible to steal the data, accounts or funds as it requires the thief to have access to an unlocked phone of the account owner. For the Broker, this means less complicated theft cases and even better-verified withdrawal requests, as only the account owner can go through the entire withdrawal process with 2FA enabled.

      Streamlined onboarding process in the Client Office & Forex CRM

      We integrated our Client Office & Forex CRM with a global verification platform Sumsub. As a result, Brokers using our CRM can run KYC processes automatically.

      Sumsub is a platform that allows for user verification, thus enabling clients’ onboarding easily. The verification process covers, among others: documents (e.g. ID card), home address, telephone number, and email. Moreover, the platform verifies if the entered data appears on sanctioned lists or other places that indicate suspected irregularities (including fraud detection).

      In our CRM, there is an option to enable SumSub (Broker Profile tab) – “Use SumSub for KYC verification”. Verification requests with information about the current status appear in the KYC (Actions) tab. If enabled in CRM, the customisable widget appears in the Client Office for Traders allowing them to verify their identity quickly.

      Benefits for Brokers

      Thanks to the integration, Brokers can automatically verify Traders, which makes the onboarding process hassle-free and sets the tone for the entire cooperation.

      A significant advantage of having the verification platform integrated into the Client Office for Traders is that they can easily verify their identity without going through a cumbersome verification procedure. The platform gives instructions on how to perform the verification and if the input data can be verified. If not, Traders receive specific information about what they should submit. 

      The easy and straightforward KYC process significantly reduces the number of drop-offs. Offering traders reliable and user-friendly solutions makes them more likely to come back and work with you in the future.

      Previous & Next Lead buttons added in Leads view

      The new buttons allow Brokers or their team members to switch between leads while managing the lead base. If they select some filters in advance (e.g. only leads with a specific status), they will be able to see only the filtered data with information on the sum of leads. Thanks to that, the user knows exactly how many leads have already been viewed and how many are still left.

      Benefits for Brokers

      Using the new functionality makes the lead management processes easier. Brokers or their teams can quickly review new leads, always knowing exactly what amount is still left to go through.

      Upfront per trade commission in Match-Trader Manager App

      In the group settings, there is the “Commission upfront” option, thanks to which the commission is charged only when opening a trade (when closing it, the commission is not charged), and it is the total commission of a given trade.

      Benefits for Brokers

      Thanks to this change, Brokers can adjust how they want to earn to fit their business model better. That gives them greater flexibility in creating offers and leaves fewer records to analyse. Increased transparency and an easy process of adding up profits from multiple trades are just some of the main benefits.

      Integration of a new VOIP provider into our Forex CRM

      We are expanding our offer with another VOIP service provider, Voiso. The VOIP system is integrated with our Forex CRM allowing Brokers to call clients straight from the CRM with one click.

      Voiso offers an all-in-one solution for communicating with clients effectively and easily. Moreover, it allows Brokers to track and analyse the lead path.

      Voiso is yet another VOIP system available to Brokers in our Forex CRM. Last year, we integrated Squaretalk.

      Added support for multiple transactions on one hash for ERC20 in Match2Pay

      In the Match2Pay crypto payment gateway, we have added support for a hash that has many transactions on the ERC20 (Ethereum) network.

      Benefits for Brokers

      Introducing this change means broader Ethereum network support. Brokers can take advantage of automatic booking of the deposits done under one hash, which lately has become widely used by some popular exchanges.

      Configuration of access management via API in our CRM

      There is a new tab, “API Access”, in our Forex CRM, available in the pull-down user menu. In this tab, Brokers can see (and revoke, if necessary) all generated API tokens. API access for a given account can be set through role configuration – a new resource for API access has appeared in Roles Management.

      Through CRM API, the Broker can perform most of the activities possible from the browser level, e.g. register a new user, make a deposit or take out details of a specific account.

      Benefits for Brokers

      API Access allows Brokers to revoke any API access they choose. The change also brings easier integration of affiliate platforms.

      New filtering features in the CRM

      In the tabs: Clients, Leads, Deposits and Withdrawals, the ability to filter using multiple phrases has been added. To do that, users need to use a comma in a given search field to separate subsequent phrases.

      Benefits for Brokers

      The new feature allows users to better analyse the information available in the said tabs. Having access to the filtered data, Brokers can make better decisions and take informed actions.

      The filtering extension also allows Brokers to receive the requested information faster, which in turn allows them to save time and conduct more accurate business analytics. Until now, there were situations when users had to create, for example, two lists and export them separately. Now it is enough to apply a few filters and download one list hassle-free.

      Changes in the offer configuration in the CRM

      A new option, “Create trading accounts within a particular range”, has been added to the offer configuration. Selecting it, Brokers can enter the range of their choosing. New trading accounts will be created within the specified scope.

      Benefits for Brokers

      The change gives Brokers an option to create trading accounts within a particular range, making them different from other White Label Brokers on the server.

    • Don’t let your trading platform be the single-point-of-failure

      Marketing Team

      Don’t let your trading platform be the single-point-of-failure

      Many entrepreneurs often ask themselves what is most important for any company to survive in an ever-changing environment. The answer is simple; you need an effective business continuity plan that can adapt easily to the conditions. It may seem that there are companies just ‘too big to fail’ or entire industries that seemingly are not exposed to any risk. But experience has shown that no business is bulletproof.

      One of the industries that can be perceived this way is the technology industry. We know market giants such as Facebook, Google and Microsoft, which have been developing their products for many years and whose hegemony seems to be unchallenged. However, even with such giants, regulatory, tax, and political risks have already materialised more than once at the least expected moment. The companies mentioned above often had to explain their conduct before antitrust or tax offices and even before US Senate committees, which often led to high financial penalties or forced them to limit their activities in a given area, or even to leave some markets.

      Even giants have their issues

      We should look at our company through the same prism when drawing conclusions from these examples. The Forex industry is more exposed to these risks than the technology industry. Predicting the worst for our own company is not something we like to do. Still, it is often necessary because it makes us aware of what can happen when we are too dependent on specific legal conditions, technology suppliers and other dependencies that may affect the survival of our business. There are also hegemonic companies in the Forex market, like Microsoft, in the operating system market, but is it reasonable to rely on only one technological solution, which, although the most popular, also exposes us to a significant risk? “Single-point-of-failure” was coined in the IT industry for a reason. It identifies critical points that may cause the entire system to stop working. In the case of Forex Brokers, such a critical point is definitely the technology they use simply because, without it, no Broker can offer services to their clients. This is especially important if the technology is provided by an external supplier who also bears the risk associated with its own business.

      Lack of preparation can be costly

      In the industry, there are often examples of multi-million brokerage businesses based on the most popular technology without any security in the form of an alternative platform. And so, in the case of sudden problems, like the turmoil that has recently swept the industry, these Brokers record double losses. First, they have nowhere to onboard new customers, and existing customers will have limited access to app updates. The second, equally important aspect is that their lack of preparation helps the competition take over the entire flow of new customers. The impact of disseminated misleading information and gossip exacerbating the crisis cannot be underestimated either. Therefore, all aspects (internal and external, technological and reputational) must be considered when analysing the risks. It should be emphasised that, for example, many large Brokers have more than one license to conduct their business, which significantly reduces legal and regulatory risk. The same kind of forethought should apply to the technology.

      Modern brokerage requires a modern trading platform

      At Match-Trade Technologies, we offer a range of products that can help Brokers ensure an effective business continuity plan regarding technology, payment solutions and liquidity. One of our flagship products is the ultra-modern Match-Trader platform, which combines all the benefits of trading on desktop and mobile devices (Windows, iOS, Android). Our platform is offered as a standard White Label solution and a Server License, a fully independent environment that can be adapted to the needs of any Broker using many available APIs. It was developed using the PWA technology, which means we can offer each Broker their own branded app (with logo and Broker’s chosen name) available to download from App Store and Google Play. No bulk app means no collective responsibility. Another interesting example of a modern approach used by our company may be the Single-Sign-On solution between CRM and the trading platform, providing only one login for the client. It should be a standard in the Forex market for a long time; however, due to the popularity of one well-known platform that does not support this solution, it is mainly used by Brokers with their trading platforms. We can easily compare what technological gap begins to divide even the largest Forex Brokers who use old but popular trading platforms and the Crypto market, which is free from the so-called legacy technology solutions.

      Have you ever considered why companies such as Plus500, eToro, X-Trade Brokers and Trading212 have been so successful in recent years? I think this is mainly due to a modern approach to the new generation of customers (gen X and gen Z or even millennials) who do not want to use complex systems they just don’t get. Therefore, intelligent diversification of technological solutions, apart from ensuring business continuity, may also be a new development impulse. It can enable entering new markets or reaching new customer groups previously unattainable because of outdated technological solutions.


    • Match-Trade August Releases 2022

      Marketing Team

      Managing Clients and Leads independently

      Our August Release brought changes to our Forex CRM.

      Managing Clients and Leads independently

      In our August release, we introduced changes to clients’ and leads’ management in our Forex CRM. From now on, Traders who have made a deposit (FTD – First Time Deposit)  will be shown as clients, and those who have not will be shown as leads.

      The clear division between the two statuses will allow Brokers to work with clients and leads independently. They will be able to manage access to particular CRM sections of their employees/teams more efficiently. That way, they can create different strategies for both of these categories of Traders and easily execute them. Having access to the entire base of users that have not made a deposit, Brokers will have a chance to create a campaign focusing on growing Traders’ engagement. The opposite is also true. Managing the base of active users will become easier as well.

      Individual teams such as Conversion and Retention will now have the information they need to manage leads and customers. This can save a lot of time when reviewing leads and checking their statuses. As the list of leads has been reduced by active customers, the work of teams responsible for verifying leads has been significantly improved.

      Notifications of the current status of Brokers’ sessions

      In August, we made a considerable change to the Match-Trade Bridge. The solution connecting Brokers to chosen liquidity pools now gives them the ability to set up notifications about every change in the statuses. Once turned on, the information about changes in the statuses is automatically delivered to a set e-mail address. Brokers can choose any user or admin that will receive these e-mails. In the message, there will be a possibility to quickly and conveniently change the status.

      This functionality will be extremely important if the Broker’s session gets disconnected. If that happens, the Broker will lose the opportunity to open positions or access to the quotes. Receiving notifications will allow the Broker and our Support Team to react quickly. They will be able to restore all capabilities of the connection by restarting the bridge or the fix session.

      Storing the history of Account Managers

      From now on, Brokers will have access to the history of Account Managers. If the Account Manager of a given client or lead changes, the information about that event will show up in the Timeline tab. Possible events include:

      • Assignment of a new Account Manager,
      • Reassignment of the Account Manager,
      • Deleting the Account Manager.

      By introducing this change, we give the Broker complete control over what is happening in CRM. Brokers no longer have to remember about the management of a given client. Everything is always visible and available in one view. Brokers can thus even better measure the efficiency or effectiveness of their employees. They have full information, thanks to which they can save a lot of time. There is no need to check how the management of a given client/lead proceeded. 

      It is also easier to obtain information about archival issues. Both the Broker and the manager then know who to contact if the Trader has a new account manager, but the problem concerns the period before his assignment.

      Predefined roles in the Forex CRM

      In the August update, we added the list of roles that automatically appear after the CRM’s configuration. 

      This list includes:

      • Account Manager,
      • KYC,
      • Support & Customer Service,
      • Finance.
      • Conversion Agent,
      • Conversion Team Leader,
      • Retention Agent,
      • Retention Team Leader.

      The Broker can freely edit the permissions and accesses of each role and decide whether he wants to use them. The feature allows Brokers to quickly and effectively manage all the assigned roles. That, in turn, makes managing the entire staff hassle-free, making all the processes faster and easier.

      Roles are an important step toward preparing a ready-made toolkit for Brokers. The introduced change requires even less work/time on the part of the Broker because it is already configured for him. The roles are based on the already checked settings in our CRM. They are based on the experiences of our clients. The Broker does not have to think about configuring roles anymore. It is enough to edit and match existing ones to the structure of his teams. Brokers can exclude those that they do not currently use as well. If something changes, the role can be easily assigned to the chosen member.

      More intuitive display of roles in the Accounts tab of the Forex CRM

      In August, we also introduced changes to the Accounts view in our Forex CRM. To make the entire view more intuitive, we changed the Role column’s contents. Now, Brokers will quickly see the exact role assigned to the specific person in the Roles Management tab. Without having to look for this information, the entire process of managing the roles will be more streamlined.

    • Trading Platform from the award-winning Technology Provider

      Marketing Team

      Trading Platform mockup

      The Match-Trader Platform, created and developed by the top provider of forex technology – Match-Trade Technologies – has the ability to compete with popular White Label platforms. It is also an excellent option for brokers searching for a fully hosted server solution.

      Match-Trade Technologies has received recognition for its cutting-edge in-house technology. The trading platform was created utilising Progressive Web App technology. As a result, Match-Trader is an omnichannel application that adjusts to screen resolution.

      Since all the settings are synchronised in real-time to ensure the greatest trading experience, traders may quickly switch between devices. Match-Trader is unique in the forex platforms market as it is a single trading app with web, mobile, and desktop versions.

      Hassle-free trading experience

      All the settings synchronise in real-time across web, desktop and mobile, making the platform’s interface and features run smoothly. Moreover, to increase the conversion from leads to traders, the user path has been streamlined as much as possible. 

      Traders can download the app from a Broker’s website and launch it from an icon on the home screen. Furthermore, the app is lightweight and doesn’t take up storage space, no matter the device traders use (even the old-generation ones). 

      Assisting forex brokers in developing their brand and attracting more traders

      Match-Trader provides Brokers with vast branding opportunities that allow them to stand out from the competition by building a solid brand. The app has a name and logo chosen by a Broker. Moreover, some elements can be customised by changing their colours to match the branding better. 

      Match-Trader can be placed in the app stores. That is possible thanks to the cutting-edge technology, making the platform act like a native app. That can positively impact Brokers’ credibility, as users trust app stores and are more likely to download apps from them.

      A complete solution for a wide variety of traders

      Another advantage of Match-Trader is its intuitive interface. The platform was created with both novice and experienced traders in mind. It has a variety of functionalities that allow users to start their trading experience easily. The top movers, current market events, and automatic trading are some of the features that traders appreciate.

      The technology presents the instruments with the highest difference in price during any given day (Top Movers). It also compiles the most significant events along with an estimate of their impact (News Feed and Economic Calendar).

      Match-Trader is equipped with analytical tools and advanced charts. The vast number of different indicators assists traders in the decision-making by helping them analyse the current market situation.

      Improved client retention thanks to increased engagement

      As the importance of trading automation grows, Match-Trade Technologies decided to embed a full-blown social trading solution into the platform. Copy Trading and Social Feed can be found in the main view, making it very easy to access multiple signal providers. Users can either copy trades and automate their trading or follow chosen money managers by analysing their performance statistics. They can follow more experienced traders or trade on their own. As the social trading solution is built into the platform, there is no need to exit the app or integrate any external ones. 

      High performance and safety

      Firstly, the developer has established all the crucial safeguards to protect clients from potential abuse. Some of them include reCAPTCHA and 2FA. The first one stops spam, and the latter ensures that only authorised users can log into the platform. Furthermore, each crypto withdrawal requires double confirmation. The database and platform are hosted in London’s renowned AWS data centre.

      To ensure the smooth running of the application, additional protection against DDOS attacks is in place. The continued development aims to improve the platform’s speed and seamless operation. The latest improvements made it run even more smoothly thanks to reducing the key TTI parameter to just over 2 seconds (the key TTI parameter, i.e. the time after the app becomes fully interactive). According to Google Lighthouse, all the introduced modifications place the platform in the top 10% performance score.

      A single platform that serves as the foundation for the entire brokerage

      Match-Trade Technologies, the creator of the hub of solutions for forex brokers, is known for its innovative in-house technology environment that makes the provider’s apps all work seamlessly. The Match-Trader trading platform is the sole solution allowing brokers to start their forex business – without the need to add any additional apps. It has all the necessary tools, including the Client Office with Forex CRM, which allows hassle-free management of the entire client base. Moreover, payment technology is embedded into the platform, allowing for convenient deposits. Said crypto payment gateway makes it possible to book the deposits on clients’ trading accounts automatically. It takes only a few minutes, and the Broker’s confirmation is not required. The platform offers a variety of payment options, including Bank transfer, Bitcoin, e-wallet (PayPal, Skrill, Neteller), over 300 PSPs via Praxis Cashier, credit card to Crypto, and Wire to Crypto gateways.

      White Label platform or Hosted Server solution?

      The Match-Trader is available for brokers of all sizes. Wanting to meet different clients’ expectations, Match-Trade Technologies offers the platform both as a White Label and a Broker’s own server. The first one provides a genuinely hands-off approach as the entire setup is taken care of by the provider. For those wanting to access complete control over the brokerage, however, it is recommended to choose the full server licence.


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