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Platform API

Elevate your trading experience with the Match-Trader Platform API, designed primarily for traders to seamlessly navigate the trading world. Our API not only simplifies trading operations but also empowers users to build their own customized interfaces. Additionally, for those utilizing a server license, this API’s functionality can be selectively disabled, ensuring flexibility and control over platform access.

Customizable Broker interface:

For Brokers utilizing our Front End, the Match-Trader Platform API offers the unique opportunity to customize your trading environment. Tailor your platform to reflect your brand’s identity and cater specifically to your clients’ needs. This API provides the tools necessary to design and implement a bespoke interface, delivering a s eamless and personalized trading experience directly to your users.

Seamless integration:

Effortlessly integrate your custom frontend with the Match-Trader system, enjoying access to a wide range of features and functionalities. From account management to real-time market data, everything you need is at your fingertips.

Secure and efficient trading:

Start trading securely with our straightforward login processes, including traditional login and one-time token access. Manage accounts, execute trades, and access market insights with unmatched efficiency and security. Make informed decisions with up-to-the-second data on bids, asks, and changes in the market.

Advanced trading features:

Our API is packed with advanced features for comprehensive trading and account management. Open, close, and edit positions with precision, manage a variety of order types, and gain financial clarity with detailed balance and ledger insights. Experience the flexibility to execute trades exactly how you want, including setting stop-loss and take-profit levels to manage risk effectively.

Unparalleled security:

With advanced authentication protocols and encryption, we ensure the highest level of security for your brokerage’s and your clients’ data. Trade with confidence, knowing your information is protected at every step. Our API also provides detailed ledgers for tracking deposits, withdrawals, and other financial operations, ensuring transparency and control over your funds.

Effortless user authentication:

Utilize REST-based services for user login, registration, and token refresh, ensuring secure access and 
continuous connectivity.

Dynamic market analysis:

Leverage WebSocket connections for real-time market watch, enabling users to monitor market changes instantly with the support of the STOMP protocol for efficient message handling.

Comprehensive trading actions:

Execute trades, manage orders, and adjust positions, providing users with the tools for open, close, and edit positions.

Financial overview:

Access account balances, open positions, and active orders through REST services, offering users a detailed financial snapshot for informed decision-making.

Order management:

Create, edit, and cancel pending orders, allowing for dynamic order handling and strategy implementation.

By choosing the Match-Trader Platform API, you’re not just adopting a trading platform, you’re embracing the opportunity to redefine brokerage services. Build your custom interface on our reliable, feature-rich system and offer your clients a trading experience that stands out in the competitive financial market.